Adult update
Men’s Football League - Division 1.
Clontarf 1-13 (16)
Skerries Harps 2-10 (16)
Dublin Senior Schools Football The lads won the Dublin Senior School Final today! 1:11 to 1:10 against Salesians CC in Leixlip. Great support from Skerries at the match and a great result for the team. Well done to the entire team including management and coaches. 🏆
Third level games
James Casey & Eoin Wilde with DCU Freshers Football, defeated MTU Cork in Freshers 'A' semi final tonight after extra time. Final is next Friday against UCC, venue is IT Carlow. Best of luck lads, we’re all behind you!
Emma Parker with TU Dublin Camogie this week in Purcell Cup semi final, they won against TUS Midlands & play NUIG in the Final on Sunday in Waterford. Best of luck on Sunday Emma, we’ll all behind you!
Our intermediate footballers have their opening league match away to Clontarf on Sunday morning 10:30am, all support welcome. In advance of same the group has selected and announced Liam Smartt as captain for 2022 with Luke Harrison as vice captain. We would like to wish the lads and the entire group all the best with their endeavours for the year.
Dublin ladies panel announced and our own Lyndsey Davey named yet again. Go Lyndsey! We are all behind you every step, kick, pass of the way.

Juvenile update
Well done to Hannah McGinnis who played with the Dublin Minors on Wednesday evening in a challenge match against DCU.
Team Mentors
And a huge thanks to all our mentors who are leading out our teams this year, coaching, admin, mentoring, greatly appreciated by everyone and we look forward to great updates from the teams.
Team Equipment
Well the season is well and truly underway and as we start the year we want to note a few thank yous. Firstly a huge thank you to YOU, our members and supporters, and all the support last year to fundraising…Christmas Draw, Lidl shopping, events….all were hugely supported in record numbers!
We’ve started off the year with all teams and schools fully equipped and ready to go! To our volunteers that looked after equipping our teams and schools, big thanks to Stuart Bund, Anne Donnelly, Cian Geraghty and Paul Walshe to name just a few! Great job all!
Fixtures and results
Fixtures and results coming soon to our Clubzap app, see full list on our website here:
Registration still open for acadeny! We’re up and running but happy to take new footballers and hurlers anytime!
Free stuff members group
Its that time of year! Don’t forget to post any unwanted, preloaded gear on our Facebook ‘free stuff’ page for members! 👍
Membership 2022
Reminder to download the ClubZap app and renew membership for 2022. This will make renewing your membership, signing up to academy and camps, and communicating and managing team activity much easier for all which is great news for everyone.
We’ve also started posting news there and soon all team communication will be there once we’re full up and running with membership in.

Other news
Sports Capital Grant announced with €150k approved for our club
A great day today for sports clubs in Skerries with the announcement of funding under the Sports Capital Grant. We are delighted to tell you that Skerries Harps has secured a grant for €150k under this programme which will go a long way towards the development costs of our new all weather pitch. That vision is getting closer. See picture below of what we are planning.
A huge amount of work and support went into this application in the background so a big thank you and huge appreciation to our development committee led out by Anthony Weldon and members include Noel Heuston, James Dillon and Peter Ellis. Thanks also to our public representatives that supported us along the way.
The future looks bright for our club and we look forward to keeping you updated on progress.

In other development news our new ball wall and gym are well on the way and hoping will be ready late March! Fingers crushed for Paddys Day! We’ve a lot to celebrate that day!
We’re building on a great foundation and building a great future for our club. So delighted to bring this news to all our members.
Defibrillator Training
Training this Friday facilitating 20 of our members. Huge thanks to Paul Murray for organizing, to our participants for their time and donations, to the club for contribution and to Seamus Mullholland for his kind donation as sponsor of this training.

ZINGO Zingo result for Sunday 6th Feb: 5163427.
We had no winners of the jackpot but we had a dividend winner Liam Reddin who wins €300.
Congratulations Liam!
JACKPOT next week a cool €3100.
You never know you might even Win the Jackpot
Why not opt for auto-renewal and ensure you never have to worry about missing a draw again.

Lidl Fundraiser is back The Lidl Plus LGFA Club Rewards Scheme is now live on the Lidl Plus App until the 27th of March!
Follow these 4 simple steps and help to raise up to €20,000 for your local club 🏐
For more information, visit https://www.lidl.ie/serious-support
We did amazing with this fundraiser last year and all support was very much appreciated. This fundraiser goes towards club development and running. We’re very proud of our One Club ethos and the level playing field we have in Skerries Harps, any funds will go to ensure we continue our clubs development for the benefit of all giving everyone the best start and support. We’re hugely proud of the win last year. Your support this year if shopping in Lidl would be great again, we’ve a Leinster title in shopping to defend this year!

Loads to celebrate and chat about! So we’ve your Sunday all planned out! Join us in the clubhouse Sunday 5-7pm for some music by ‘The Red Biddys’ followed by Zingo lottery and in house draw! Sure where else would you be doing!

Book the clubhouse
We’re taking booking for our clubhouse for any events, celebrations or classes. Contact Pat on 087 250 5479 or email
GAA News
Huge congrats to the entire Rock family from all at Skerries harps.

Pictured here: GAA President, Larry McCarthy, presents the Dermot Earley Family award to the Rock family, left to right, Barney, Dean, and Joe.
This Dermot Earley Family Award is recognition to a family who over four generations and more than 100 years have made a solid contribution to the success of Croke Park and the GAA – Rock solid in fact.see
Get Involved - volunteer form
Thanks to all that registered to help
out, we’ll be in touch soon. Looking forward to doing loads of great work for the club and community. Always time to get involved...
Tell us what time you can give, one, two hours a week, and tell us a little something about yourself and we’ll find the perfect way to get involved to support the club in 2022. We need help in all areas, we’re a big club and still growing. If you are in a position to support in any way please fill in our form and we’ll be in touch.
Current jobs/roles we need volunteers for:
- Referee coordinator for boys
- Communications and social media support
- Committee to help with planning of family day/St.Patrick’s day events
- Equipment support (ordering/tracking)
These jobs are typically 1-2 hours a week.
Fill in our Volunteer form to find our areas you might enjoy involvement with the club. Just one hour a week is the ask and every hour makes a huge difference.

Update on our Every Step Counts Challenge running until 23rd Feb.
The Leader Board
And our amazing walkers have smashed it! We’ve reached the 4,000 km target and they are still going! Well done everyone! Amazing team effort.
To help keep you motivated, as we’re in the draw, if we do win the cash we’re giving away 3 top prizes for our top walkers and doing a draw for the remaining 7! Top prize for individual walker is €50 Club shop voucher!
Check out our top 10 walkers! Wow guys, amazing stuff! That’s some ground-covered!

We could be in to win some O’Neills gear! We’ll defo do some giveaways if we win. Will keep you updated here.
Photo of the week

Supporting our members and community - #clubiscommunity
Skerries Harps are supporting the Women’s Aid 80k challenge for February.

If you are doing the challenge, please let us know here so we can share your donate page and lend our support. We will share in our weekly club notes and on social in support of you and this great cause. Use this space to support each other. Best of luck with the challenge and enjoy the walk!
Club shop open tomorrow at the academy from 10-11 am.
