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Child Welfare

Child safeguarding is one of the core values of the GAA.


All adults who are involved in coaching, assisting, or are in any way in regular contact with our juvenile players must fulfil the minimum requirements under the Code of Behaviour.


These are:

- Be a member of our club

- Possess valid Garda Vetting (to be reperformed every three years)

- To have completed the 'Safeguarding 1 GAA' workshop (and to complete a refresher every three years)

- A workshop completed with another sporting body is acceptable once augmented by the GAA online refresher

- In addition, coaches must have at least completed the ICGG or foundation level coaching course


For any questions, contact our Children's Officer Barbara Coakley at


Walkthroughs for both Safeguarding and Garda Vetting can be found below:


Enrolling on the Safeguarding Online Refresher Course 

  • Go to Tobar (the GAA learning website) 

  • If you already have an account, sign in. If not, register. 

  • Search 'Gaelic Games Safeguarding 1 Online Refresher Course 2025'. 

  • Click Go to Course 

  • Enrolment Key is Leinster25 

  • Click 'Enrol Me' 

  • Once completed please take note of certificate number and share with lead mentor to update master list. 



Mentors must link their Tobar and Foireann accounts to ensure the course record is be saved to their Foireann account (this step is essential as it it the only way that the Children's Officer can view that safeguarding is complete and up to date) 


Linking your Tobar and Foireann Accounts 
Video Walkthrough

How to link Tobar (LMS) account to Foireann 

  • Login to both Foireann and Tobar 

  • Within Tobar, near the search bar at the top of the page, you will see a green button ‘Foireann Connect’

  • Click on the ‘Foireann Connect’ button and this will direct you to Foireann. (If you are not already logged in, it will prompt you to)

  • Before linking your account, please review the details on the screen and ensure that you are logged in under the correct Foireann account.

  • Once you are happy, you can click the two accounts by clicking ‘Create Link’

  • Click ‘Confirm’

  • If successful, your Tobar (LMS) account will be successfully linked​​​​



Garda Vetting Procedures
Skerries Harps operates under a one club system. All sections of the club (Mens & Boys Football and Hurling, Ladies Gaelic Football and Camogie) are governed by the GAA rules for Garda Vetting.


When mentors complete the GAA Garda Vetting Process, they are covered to mentor/coach for all sections. If mentors are Garda vetted through LGFA or Camogie, they are only covered for those organisations. Therefore our recommendation is that all mentors follow the process below. 


The Garda vetting process is a necessary step for all adults interacting with children under 18 years of age. 


It is advised that you complete this process on a desktop computer. Several emails will be received so please check your inbox (including your Junk folder).


Please read the instructions below before beginning the process on Foireann. 


Note: All persons registered with Skerries Harps GAA should have a Foireann account already, so please use this rather than creating a new account (if you don’t know your credentials, please use the forgot username/password links). 



The Vetting process is broken down into three steps. 


Log into your account on Foireann or create an account on 



Once logged into your account on Foireann please click on the 'Profile' tab on the left-hand side, then 'Qualifications and Vetting' tab across the top, then click 'Apply to be Vetted'. Please ensure the current details on your profile are correct. 


Please then select your Club and or Association you wish to be vetted for and the role you are applying for vetting. 


Mentors select: Coach or Manager with players 18 years and under. 

FLO’s select: Chaperone working with children 

Referees select: Match Official whose role includes the care and supervision of children participating in matches. 


It is a requirement by the Garda National Vetting Bureau that an individual seeking vetting is validated that the individual is who they say they are. This step is mandatory and must be completed by the applicant and validated correctly by the Club Children’s Officer. It is a requirement to upload a copy or screenshot of your photo ID (passport or drivers’ licence) and a proof of your current address in the form of a Utility Bill (no more than 6 months old). 


You are also required to print and sign the Gaelic Game Vetting ID Validation Form and upload this as part of your vetting application. The Gaelic Game Vetting ID Validation Form and full list of documents which are accepted for verification will be available to download in Foireann once you start the vetting process in Foireann 


NOTE: The form within the ‘here’ link needs to be printed, signed and re-uploaded to Foireann. This form must be in a jpeg, jpg or png format. PDF format is not acceptable. 


Click the ‘upload documents’ button and upload the signed GAELIC GAMES VETTING ID VALIDATION FORM as well as the documents to validate your identity. You must upload a minimum of 2 documents (Photo ID and proof of address) to verify your identity. There is also a maximum limit of 10 documents to be uploaded per application. Upon uploading the documents, you can delete or change the documents if required before you submit the vetting application. 


Vetting of applicants under 18 years of age

GAA vetting services are available to any person over 16 years of age.


A parental consent form (NVB Parent/Guardian Consent Form) - Download - must be completed for applicants between 16 and 18 years of age and the form must be uploaded and forwarded to the GAA as part of the application process. The applicant must also use the email address of the parent/guardian when making the application. 


NOTE: The Gaelic Games Vetting ID Validation Form as well as the documents to verify your identity must be uploaded in a jpeg, jpg or png format. PDF format is not acceptable.


Your Club Children’s Officer will then check your ID Documentation and your signed Gaelic Games Vetting ID Validation Form. If the documents are correct your application will be validated by your Club Children’s Officer and submitted to the GAA. If the documents are not correct your Club Children’s Officer will reject your application and you will be required to upload the correct documentation. 



Once you complete the Gaelic Games Invitation Form the information provided is forwarded to the National Vetting Bureau (NVB) by the GAA and you will receive an on-line NVB Vetting Form to complete. 


The NVB will issue you with the NVB Vetting Application form. This will be issued to the email address you provided in your Gaelic Games Invitation Form. Completing this form is a confidential matter between you and the NVB. All sections of the form including current and previous addresses, email address and contact telephone numbers, information on convictions and prosecutions (if any), plus other information will be required when completing the form. 


Once all sections of the form have been answered this then completes your application process for E Vetting in the GAA and within a short period of time you shall be contacted by the GAA informing you as to the outcome of the vetting application.


Please note that the Association the applicant applies to be vetted for will not have oversight of the application until the application is validated at Club level. Once the individual is deemed suitable to work with children, the individual will receive a vetting acceptance letter. The Club Children’s Officer will also receive an email with a copy of the letter. 



The Child Safeguarding & Protection section on the GAA website contains a lot of helpful information, videos and FAQ’s on the Garda Vetting process. It has a step-by-step guide on how to submit a vetting application on behalf of yourself or a child. 


Gaelic Game Vetting ID Validation Form:


NVB Parent/Guardian Consent Form


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