Happy New Year to all our members, supporters and volunteers. Here's to 2021!

Covid-19 Restrictions Update
Start of 2021 brings us a new lockdown - find out about the latest restrictions here:
Christmas Draw
Our Christmas draw was a huge success - over 50 prizes given out, great show on our Facebook live draw with over 1000 views and great support for both club and community. Thanks to all that bought tickets and supported our draw.
Christmas Tree Collection - Reminder collection on January 9th
Tags still available from Denise Emmet on 0872843590.
Zingo Update
No winner last week so jackpot now at €4500. Draw every Sunday eve at 6pm.
Why not sign up for the year here, never miss a draw or chance to win - 52 draws for €90 - that's 7 free entries! Play here:
GAA December Newsletter
Check out the latest GAA newsletter here
G4M&O December Dip Challenge for St. Michaels House
The G4M&O's finished their daily dip challenge for St. Michaels house yesterday and an amazing €2665! Thanks to everyone who supported the team and a huge well done to these wonderful woman who went out sun, hail and rain, massive achievement and a very worthy cause. See the full story and pictures on our Facebook page.
Golf Event for Saint Vincent de Paul Fundraiser
Unfortunately our annual golf event had to be cancelled on Dec 29th. However that did not stop Paul Murray and the team collect much needed funds for SVP Skerries - total amount donated at collection at club and on iDonate was €2460. Huge thanks to all that donated and supported this initiative.